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B E C O M E  A  C E R T I F I E D   M O V E W E L L   P R A C T I T I O N E R

Become a CERTIFIED MOVEWELL PRACTITIONER and offer a great new service at your facilities.

Take advantage of our global marketing inititiatives to generate bookings for MOVEWELL TREATMENTS to meet extensive demands for personalised physical treatments.



You must have completed minimum level 3 personal training qualification, be a registered physiotherapist, certified physical therapist or 200hr qualified Yoga practitioner.



The courses are online, with supporting videos plus there are options for 1 day practical workshops at your facility or a number of our training academy clubs (email for further details). 



On completion of the distance learning modules, you will record and send 4 short-segment videos for each of the assessed components or be assessed in person at one of our training academy clubs of your choice.



You will receive a certificate of completion which is internationally CDP accredited. You will also be assigned a MOVEWELL Practitioner licence with your official number, and a professional practitioner licence on our website for official recogition and booking referrals.


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